Our Site

FOx Haven Campground

Underworld: Howling Wilds events take place at Fox Haven Campground, located at 192 Plante Rd, Lavigne, Ontario. The campground is 100% private, meaning that we have the opportunity to experience full immersion while running our events.

The site is completely off grid - the site is powered by solar, so there is limited access to electricity during the day. There are also outdoor showers for players, and indoor showers with flush toilets for weekend staff. Weekend staff are also able to sleep indoors in either the main cottage or cabin.

Site Policies

    • All laws and bylaws of Canada, the Province of Ontario, and West Nipissing municipality apply to guests at Fox Haven Campground.

    • Smoking is permitted only at designated smoking areas.

    • Please only use pre-existing fire pits. Guests are not permitted to dig new fire pits. Our four fire pits can be found at the four following locations: Tatooine, the waterfront, Witches’ Rock, and the Island.

    • Please do not leave garbage at your campsite. Fox Haven is located in bear country and they have been spotted on the property in the past. Garbage must be disposed of properly in garbage cans provided at the site. If you’re unsure of where to take your garbage, ask a staff member.

    • All food must be kept either in your vehicle or inside our buildings. We offer this option free of charge. If you’re unsure of where to store your food please ask a staff member for assistance.

    • Please drive slowly along the roads at Fox Haven. They are thin and windy in some places. They are also often frequented by turtles, snakes, grouse, and other wildlife – please break for them and move them off the road if you encounter them or ask a staff member to do so.

    • Please do not cross any fences or gates labelled ‘no trespassing’.

    • Do not cut down trees or other vegetation for firewood, or bring outside wood into the campground. Fox Haven has plenty of free firewood for guests to use.

    • Please be mindful of the wildlife while staying at Fox Haven. We have many sensitive species that call Fox Haven home. Do not disturb the lady slipper orchids or the round leaf sundews. Please find a staff member if you’ve encountered a plant or animal and you don’t know what to do about it.

    • Please do not venture off the path while travelling through the Orchard in the Glade. We have many young trees in there.

    • The swimming area is not supervised and swimmers swim at their own risk. No swimming in the lake after dark.

    • Guests are not permitted to wash dishes or clothing in the lake, or use bathing products in the lake.

    • No pets will be permitted during Underworld: Howling Wilds events.

    • Underworld: Howling Wilds is an 18+ game. Only players 18+ will be permitted.

    • If you find wildlife that is in possible danger due to the LARP please go to NPC camp for assistance

    • The following areas are off limits to players during the event: The Orchard, Witches’ Rock, the Triquetra trail beyond the shrine

    • Do not clear new areas for camps. Suggestions for new camping areas may be considered but bring them up with GMs outside of game time.

    • No new firepits. We have usable fire pits available to players at Tatooine (beach area) and at the waterfront

    • Flush toilets, indoor showers, and indoor cabins are available to NPCs and full time staff only.

    • Players are permitted to use the outdoor showering area attached to Fort Fabulous

    • Fort Fabulous is an NPC-only space. It is effectively ‘NPC camp’. Players must knock before entering.

    • During game, vehicles are not permitted past the fork that leads to the main camp. Vehicles must be moved by 9:00PM and are not permitted past the parking lot until game is called

    • There must be a fire marshal keeping an eye on the fire. NPCs can relieve you of the marshal duties.

    • The Glitter Palace will be the location of our In Game Tavern. Combat in the Tavern is heavily discouraged.