Guild Policies
We’re implementing a referral bonus! If you attend a game with a new player who has been referred by you, you and your friend will receive In-Game bonuses, both found on Page 79 of the Soul Frag Guide:
New Player: A Friend in Need - This skill will allow a character to come into game with the following protections: Shield Magic, Magic Armour and Simple Resist Toxin. This is a one-time purchase; it will allow the character to start game with these protections once, after which it can be purchased again for the same effect. This skill can only be used in the guild whose frags were used to purchase it.
Referring Player: A Friend Indeed - This skill will allow a character to come into game with the following protections: Advanced Shield Magic, Advanced Magic Armour and Complex Resist Toxin. This is a one-time purchase; it will allow the character to start game with these protections once, after which it can be purchased again for the same effect. This skill can only be used in the guild whose frags were used to purchase it.
The new player will only receive this bonus once (their first game), and the referring player will only receive this bonus once (the new player’s first game). This is a one-time bonus that will expire at the end of event if not used, so the protections will not transfer to the next event you attend.
At this current time we are officially implementing an ‘opt-out’ policy to allow players to step away from our story content for longer periods of time while still remaining on site. We are currently the only Ontario Underworld Guild that is implementing this, and we may revoke this policy for any future events if we feel there is abuse of the system or it is negatively affecting the events as a whole.
Players who need to take a break from story content and NPC interactions can attach a red glowstick, in clear view, to the front of their tent. This item must be a red glowstick - red lights or red tape/strips of cloth, etc. are not sufficient. This will tell NPCs and Shapers that you would like to avoid in-person interactions. Reminder that players choosing to opt-out in this manner must not be disruptive of others’ in-game experience (no music or videos playing, no bright OOG lights, etc.). A Shaper may at any time approach a tent with a red glowstick to check in or ask questions - this is non-negotiable.
However - You may be OOG, but your character isn’t. Players who opt out by placing a red glowstick on their tent are still at risk of various IG consequences. If this occurs, this will be repped as a slip of paper placed directly outside of your tent detailing what has occurred and that you will be expected to come to NPC camp to resolve it. This could be any number of things, including even a character death.
Additionally, this policy does not apply to Player on Player interactions - a player is still allowed to interact with a tent with a red glowstick attached to it. We encourage other Players to be mindful of whether or not approaching a red glowstick tent is necessary IG. We also want to remind players that in order to enter another player’s tent without their knowledge, you must have a Shaper present with you, as per the Core Rulebook.
If you must be left alone at night due to medical reasons that would make you legally incapacitated (sleeping medication, etc.) you may obtain a medical chit from NPC camp in order to keep everyone safe - please review our ‘Medical Chit’ policy for more information.
One last reminder - Underworld LARP is by and large a ‘permanently IG’ game - this means that you are always in game for the entire weekend at a majority of other guilds. Please keep this in mind if you choose to travel to any other guilds.
If you must be left alone at night due to medical reasons, such as sleeping aids that make you legally incapacitated, you may obtain a Medical Chit from NPC camp in order to keep everyone safe. A ‘Medical Chit’ is an official note from a Shaper or GM that denotes you are fully OOG for a set period of time, and will ensure that you are not engaging in any activities that could hinder the safety of yourself or anyone else involved.
Players who have obtained a Medical Chit will be designated OOG until they have signed back in at NPC camp - this means they cannot join in combat, roleplay, or otherwise during this time.
Please contact us ahead of time so we can be aware at the camp to expect you at our game.
Our discord isn’t a hook-up app or a cruising site. Please don’t message people with unsolicited sexual advances (This is called Sexual Harassment, if you weren’t sure). If you receive unsolicited sexual messages from another user in our server please let one of the staff know so it can be dealt with.
Sexual harassment of our members will lead to a ban.